Wriggle and Rhyme

Wriggle and Rhyme

Last Updated on January 5, 2024

What is Wriggle and Rhyme?

If you have a baby or a toddler who is younger than two years old, you might be interested in Wriggle and Rhyme. This is a free programme that Auckland Libraries run to help your child grow and learn through movement and music. You and your child can join in the fun of singing, dancing, and rhyming for about half an hour at different places and times during the school term. Wriggle and Rhyme is a great way to make your child happy and healthy. To find out where and when you can join, please visit the Auckland Libraries website.

How can I register for Wriggle and Rhyme?

To register for Wriggle and Rhyme, you can contact your nearest library that offers the programme and ask them about the availability and requirements. Alternatively, you can visit the library in person and talk to the staff there. The sessions are free and open to all babies and toddlers aged two years and under, along with their parents and caregivers.

You do not always need to book in advance, but some libraries may have limited spaces or different timetables. Please check with your library before you go. I hope you enjoy Wriggle and Rhyme! It sounds like a lot of fun for you and your little one.

How long is each session of Wriggle and Rhyme?

Each session of Wriggle and Rhyme lasts for about 30 minutes. However, some libraries may have different timetables or availability, so please check with your local library before you attend. You can find a list of libraries and their contact details on this page. Wriggle and Rhyme is a wonderful programme that helps your child develop their language and movement skills through music and rhymes.


​Location​Day and time​Session runs during school holidays
​Albany​Wednesday – 10am​No
​Birkenhead​Thursdays – 10am​No
​Devonport​Friday – 10am​No
E​ast Coast BaysBabies and bubbles
​Tuesday – 10am
​GlenfieldWā Pēpe – Babytime*
​Wednesday – 10am
*18 months and younger.
​HelensvilleKids Time
​Wednesday – 10am 
​Kumeū​Friday – 10.30am​No
​Mahurangi East​Thursday – 10am​No
​Ōrewa​Wednesday – 11am

Go to ​Ōrewa’s Facebook

*Orewa’s children programmes are on hold until Term 3.
​TakapunaMonday – 10am​ & 11am​No
​Warkworth​Tuesday – 10.30am​No
​Thursday – 9am
​WhangaparāoaFriday – 10.30am
Go to Whangaparāoa’s Facebook


​Location​Day and time​Session runs during school holidays
​Avondale​Tuesday – 10am​No
​Blockhouse Bay​Wednesday – 9.30am​No
​Glen Eden​Wednesday – 11am  (Fortnightly)
Go to Glen Eden’s Facebook page
​New Lynn War MemorialThursday – 10am
Go to New Lynn’s Facebook page
​Pt Chevalier​Tuesday – 10am ​No
​Rānui​Thursday – 11am​No
​Te Atatū PeninsulaMonday – 9:30am & 11am
Go to Te Atatū Peninsula’s Facebook​
​Te Manawa​Tuesday – 11am​No
​Titirangi​Friday  – 9.30am​No
​Waitākere Central (Henderson)​Tuesday – 10.30am​No


​Location​Day and time​Session runs during school holidays
​Central City​Friday – 11am​No
Email Epsom Library
​Wednesday – 10am​​No
​Glen Innes​Thursday – 11.15am​​No
​Grey Lynn​Tuesday – 10.30am
Thursday – 10.30am
​Leys Institute Little

Sessions held at
Ponsonby Baptist Church hall
​Wednesday – 10am and 11am​​No
​Mt Albert​Thursday – 10.15am and 11.15am

Go to Mt Albert’s Facebook
​Mt Roskill​Tuesday – 11am​​No
​Onehunga​Thursday – 10am and 11.30am

Go to Onehunga’s Facebook
​Panmure​Wednesday – 10.30am​​No
​Parnell​Tuesday – 10am​No​
​Remuera​Thursday – 10.30am​​No
​St Heliers

Programmes are held at St Heliers Community Centre, 100 St Heliers Bay Road.
Wednesday – 9.30am and 11am
Friday – 9.30am and 11am

Go to St Helier’s Facebook
​Waiheke​Thursday – 10am​Yes


​Location​Day and time​Session runs during school holidays
Beachlands​​​Wednesday – 10am | Programme on hold.​No
​Botany​Thursday – 10.30am​No
​Highland Park​Tuesday – 10am and 11am​Yes, except Summer holidays. 
​Howick​Thursday – 9.30am​No
​Maraetai​Wednesday – 10am | Programme on hold.​No
​Pakuranga​Thursday – 10.30am and 11.30am
Go to Pakuranga’s Facebook
​Yes, except Summer holidays.
​Panmure​​Wednesday – 10.30am​No


​Location​Day and time​Session runs during school holidays
​Māngere Bridge​Friday – 9.30am and 10.30am​Yes
​Māngere East​Tuesday – 11am​No
​Māngere Town Centre​Monday – 10.30am​No
​Manukau​Tuesday – 10.30am​No
​Manurewa​Wednesday – 9.30am​No
​​Ōtahuhu​​Tueday – 11am​No
​Papatoetoe War Memorial​Monday – 10.30am
Thursday – 10.30am
​Pukekohe​Friday – 10.30am and 11.30am​No
​Sir Edmund Hillary (Papakura)​Friday – 10am andThissession also runs through school and public holidays. 11am
This session also runs through school and public holidays.
First Saturday of the month – 10am
​Te Matariki Clendon​Tuesday – 11am​No
​Tupu Youth​Wednesday – 10.30am​No
​Waiuku​Wednesday – 10.30am​No

How long has Wriggle and Rhyme been running for?

Wriggle and Rhyme was launched in 2008 as part of the Active Movement programme by Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC). It has been running for over 15 years and has reached more than 100,000 children and their families across Auckland. Wriggle and Rhyme is a popular and successful programme that supports early literacy and physical development for babies and toddlers.