How Auckland can benefit from the live casino industry

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How Auckland can benefit from the live casino industry

Last Updated on May 31, 2024

Do you know about the innovation that is currently taking place in gaming? Live casino is at the forefront, blending the convenience of casual online gaming with the physical interaction of a real casino. In the last few years, the medium has exploded in popularity. But how can the rise of this new gaming format benefit the city of Auckland in terms of employment and taxable revenue? Below, we discuss the advantages it can bring.

What is a live casino?

A live casino is a new way of playing popular casino games, such as blackjack and roulette. Instead of a virtual table where people spin roulette wheels and deal cards, the management of a game is done by a real dealer. Situated in a studio, their actions are then streamed via webcam to the players at home. Using the integrated software, players can place bets and make decisions as they would in a physical casino.

The format has become so popular, that it is now a main draw in the competitive world of online casinos. Popular providers often have offers for those who are coming specifically to play live casino games. For example, the Rizk bonus codes provided here provide a 100% match on any deposits made for live casinos, showing that operators take it very seriously as a way of drawing in new players.

The medium has proven so popular it is now going beyond table games and into the world of slots. Many of the games are accessed through slot title bonus rounds and allow the player to access a pseudo-game show of sorts. Here, they can win additional bonuses and multipliers for their totals. Each bonus is different depending on the game, but the live-action is usually conducted by a host and an assistant.  

If further proof was needed regarding how popular these are, then a host of big-name brands have licensed their properties to these casino gameshows. Hasbro has already begun creating versions based on its Monopoly franchise. Even television companies like Endemol have licensed the popular gameshow Deal or No Deal for use.  

Live casino infrastructure 

To understand how the live casino industry can benefit Auckland, it helps to take a look at the infrastructure of live casinos. This is more commonly known as a digital supply chain, where a line of people is responsible for the delivery of a product. At the top of the chain, the final point is the customer, who will play the games and create revenue as they do so.  

Below are the presenters and croupiers involved in the delivery of the live event. They need a studio, which must be run and maintained by IT specialists. Further to this, the operator must be run by tech experts. All of the software used in the making of the games must also be developed, tested and researched, which is often done in various global locations. 

There are also lots of third parties relying on the games and their provision. Affiliate marketers may earn money ranking and rating games. People who license properties to the games will also earn money, perhaps if a celebrity name or brand is involved.  

The Auckland talent pool 

The tech sector in Auckland is currently booming. Its geographic isolation is a defining strength, in that Auckland businesses often look for most of their solutions within the country. However, it is also a hub for international business. From start-ups to global brands and NGOs, the tech sector is booming in Auckland and a talent pool exists to service it.  

Crucial to the delivery of live casinos is also the arts sector. New Zealand has long had trouble exporting its talent abroad, especially when given the breadth available. Yet with a vibrant dramatic arts scene, the skills employed by actors can easily transfer to that of a presenter, essentially what a live casino operator is doing. This provides another outlet for the sector and those in it to earn a living and make money.  

How to attract live casino operators 

The laws regarding online gambling have been somewhat grey in New Zealand for some time. While lotteries, sports betting and land-based casinos have laws attached to them, online casinos do not. All online casinos are based in other countries and when used, New Zealand does not gain any taxable income from them.  

However, there is a possibility that this will change. The government is considering introducing laws that would regulate online gambling and crucially, tax it. It is estimated this will add NZ$193 million per annum to the country’s income. This could be the kickstart the government needs to see just how lucrative this industry is.  

A push has already begun to attract top-tier tech talent. However, with the addition of developers and providers, the revenues from online gambling and its associations would increase dramatically. Even if laws do not change, New Zealand could still position itself as a provider of online casinos and software. The difference is that they would not be able to sell their services to those in the country, but would have to export everything abroad.  

Live casinos could bring some innovative businesses to Auckland, and employ those in the city. When the laws change, if they do, it may decide if Auckland becomes a hub for online and live casinos.  

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